Sep. 8
Talking to Carli (McGill phD student working in the area) and Fr. Joe today (from PA, USA who has worked for years in Panama and Soloy, please see we have some new updates on the situation:

2) The situation of the displaced is not getting better, in fact it's getting much worse.  The classrooms at the high school where they are staying have far too many people in them. Colds, fevers, and other illnesses are breaking out. People are becoming very restless and are finding it hard to keep living in these situations. 

3) the latrines at the high school are overflowing (there is a line of 7 latrines together, however before the flooding, they were almost full).  Carli took materials up today to set up temporary latrines and to work on filling in the overfilled ones and getting permanent ones built. the Proyecto Naingro money may be used for these latrines, although the correct order of bureaucracy is for the Ministry of Education to fund them.

4) The water situation for the displaced is good as water is being trucked up daily. Complete diets are becoming a problem, however Catholic churches have been donating nutritive cereal and beans but this is not enough. There is enough rice up there to probably feed the entire country of Panama and Fr. Joe says that it will probably have to get shipped out of the Comarca in order to get eaten.

5) President Torrijos visited the area over the weekend and promised corrugated tin roofing for everyone who lost their home, however there are doubts by the population that this will actually happen as, according to the Ngobes, the many political promises have been broken in the past.

The biggest thing still needed is money in order to get the basic necessities such as underclothing, shoes and bedding to the Ngobes who lost everything. Every cent counts. Thank you for all your kindness and Support.

Sept 9... after talking to carli
1) almost all the missing bodies have been accounted for
2) conjunctivitis is spreading through the high school
3) people in the high school are, although not happy to be there and antsy, are sticking around to get on a list to get housing materials promised by the government.
4)there is a meeting tomorrow to decide on the most appropriate place for the people of 19 de abril to live. if housing materials are coming they will be discussed at this meeting.
5) temporary or permanent latrines were not built to replace the overflowing ones at the school because someone from the sanitation section of the ministry of health needs to oversee their construction.
6)heavy rains still hitting the area
7) rainwater catchment systems would be genious in the area, the problem is liability issues if these (and latrines) are built without concent from the ministry of health
7) More updates to come from Carli tomorrow...

Sept 10 - Carli

<!--[if !supportLists]-->Here are several observations after spending several days in Soloy,  

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->Immediate response in terms of food, water and clothing donations has been excellent and there has been a significant number of volunteers helping on the ground. 

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->However, it is becoming apparent that as the time wears on people are becoming more anxious to leave and longer term plans are not yet in place.  

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->Talking to many families over the last 2 days it was evident that people are eager to begin rebuilding their home and lives together as a community.  When asked whether they would relocate independently to whatever space available or whether they would like to find sufficient land to rebuild as a community, the majority of people intended to work together to rebuild.  This however, relies on the decision of the government to say where this land will be and when people can begin to put their homes back together.  

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->While rumours of announcement meetings have been plentiful there still have not been any announcements on where and when the rebuilding will begin.  

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->To this regard, I believe that the area of largest need will be projects to help get this new community on its feet.  In the immediate time frame it may require some pressure to ensure the land promised comes to fruition sooner than later and after this it will be the support to help in the rebuilding proces.  At the moment areas of potential aid that have been discussed by those of us involved are:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o       <!--[endif]-->Cooking utensils and dishes

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o       <!--[endif]-->Chicken and pig donations

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o       <!--[endif]-->Seed donations (continuing through the years crop cycles)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o       <!--[endif]-->Aquaduct and latrine projects

For those of you that are donating first of all THANK YOU! And second of all please let us know if there is any specific area that you would like your funds dontated. 

September 13

Residents of the flooded communities living in the school had to leave today (Saturday) because classes were to commence again on Monday.  This has pressured the government to act quickly in order to find an area for the displaced to live.

A private meeting was held by governmental officials today in Soloy. Those groups who attended include: Fondo del Inversion Social (FIS), Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the Red Cross. It lasted about 25 minutes.

Because it was private meeting, Carli and Fr. Joe could not attend.

Rumors are the following: the government purchased land in Quebrada de Hacha, however because the private owner of the land decided to only sell the land right next to the river, the community members decided they would rather not move there. The land in Caricho has now been bought (land that is across Rio Jebay from the current houses in Caricho). However, there are rumors that only a 20m x 20m plot was bought for the few hundred people to live there. 

The Ministry of Health nutritionist and a few SINAPROC workers have worked constantly since the flood to make sure the people in the school have food and that there is constant basic treatment of skin lesions, conjunctivitis and flu/cold symptoms.

Thank you everyone for the donations.  Please keep writing with ideas for community redevelopment! My best to you and your family, Amanda

September 24:

The word on the street is that no one knows anything about land for them, but everyone was kicked out of the school over the weekend without a plan of where to go.

Adan will update us more when he goes up tomorrow to see what's going on.

my best, amanda

september 26:

In a message from Adan, the government seems to be moving very slowly with any processes of obtaining land for the displaced.

In a message from Fr. Joe: Caritas (funded by Caritas Spain) is giving lots of supplies and is up for continuing helping pay for projects as Fr. Joe applies for them.

Concern America is interested in continuing to fund projects after the flood in the area; a representative will hopefully visit Soloy soon.

Thank you for the support and help!


Count of affected families: 

19 de abril: 72 families total (7-10 people per family.)

   Randomally selected 50 families will be moved to Barrero

Randomally selected 22 families will be moved to Caricho


Nueva Generacion: 8 familiys total, (7-10 people per family)

no reconstruction land has been bought, but it is priced at $3200

MInuetes from the meeting 24/10


Primera Reunion

Fondos en Memoria de Plenio

Viernes 24 de noviembre

Multi-Café, David, Chiriqui


Amanda Gabster          Scott Mann
Daniel Masterson          Adan Bejerano
Carli Halpenny              Joe Fitzgerald


La reunión fue convocada para discutir como y en que se va a gastar los fondos donados para las afectadas de la inundación en el Distrito de Besito.  Se han donado entre $3500-$7000.  Se hicieron preguntas que nos sirvió de guía durante la discusión:


·   A quien vamos a apoyar?

o       Los damnificados

o       Los afectados (El que no perdió su casa pero fue afectado de otra manera)


·   Como (en que manera) lo vamos a apoyar?

o       Orientación/Capacitación en cuanta a la salud

o       Casa Comunal (Centro Comunitario) para el sitio de reubicación de los damnificados

o       Acueducto (Si hay fuente factible)

o       Letrinas (Si son interesados)


·   Quien se va a encargar de la ejecución de los proyectos propuestos?


Se habló del deseo de que fueran planeados y ejecutados de manera sostenible los proyectos.  En esta línea,  se decidió consultar primero a los afectados para ver en que manera fueron afectados y que es lo que ellos perciben como necesidad principal.  Del 6 al 9 de Noviembre los siguientes personas visitarán a las familias afectadas, y por medio de una conversación informal, recogerán información sobre los temas de La Guía que se esta elaborando: Adán Bejerano (Medo), Padre Joe, 2 Hermanas de Jevai, y Brian and Brandy de Cuerpo de Paz.


Se propuso también la creación de un Centro de Maternidad para Soloy, pero se reconoce que los fondos disponibles no son destinados a tal fin. 


Asuntos Pendientes:

·   Carly enviará un email con los datos personales de los asistentes de la reunión y La Guía.

·   Scott contactará al Gobierno Comarcal para investigar el asunto del terreno.

·   Dr. Bernardo conseguirá una lista de todos los capacitados en temas de salud en el área de Soloy. 


La próxima reunión tendrá lugar el 9 de noviembre a la 1 de la tarde en el restaurante debajo Hotel Toledo en David, Chiriquí. 


November 8, 2008 by Amanda Gabster

Members of the flooded community, 19 de abril, are still waiting for the land to be bought.  they say that the public and those outside of the community belive that the land has already been given to them, however this is not the case.  the government has measured and divided the land to be given out, however the land has not been paid for and building supplies such as corrugated tin roofing have not been bought.  residents are sleeping in the doorways of government buildings in order to find shelter from the rain that continues to pour down daily.  Daytimes are spent in the street, waiting for the government to come.


The land that the government has promised is 2 plots about an hour walking time apart.  The 72 affected families will be divided:

* 50 failies will move to Barrero (1hour to one hour and a half from the school and high school) **priced at about US$4,000**

* 22 families will move to Caricho (7 min walking to school and high school)

           ** priced at about US$3,000

Both future communities are in areas where suspension bridges will have to be built (priced at US$50,000 each)


The community members, although gracious for the government´s support, would like to stay together as one community.  They have proposed to the government that another area of land is bought that is much closer to the schools (10 min), which is important for small children when they are attending school. This land is much more expensive, priced at a total of $18,000, however no suspension bridges will have to be built. The government has thusfar not gotten back to the communtiy members about this. 


After contacting to the governor of the Ngobe Bugle Comarca, Mr. Palacio said that the land will be bought this next tuesday, 11 of NOvember and the community members will be able to move in. 


Possible ideas put forward from the community members for new projects in their new communities include gallinazas (chicken farms), bakery, vegitable farms.



The next meeting is November 9 at 1 pm.  We hope to have some more information after that meeting.


November 10, 2008 by Amanda Gabster

The meeting with the members of Fundacion Memorial Plinio was 9 NOvember at the Multi Cafe 2. 

The following was discussed:

1) PROEC should arrive in SOloy November 11 to pay for the land so the pepole can finally  move in. Dr. Virginia from the Health Center will be on site and we will inquire about what the different government agencies have promised the people.

1.5) we will look into where the national donated money has been spent  that was given to the representative of SOloy.  We will attend the at the next "Reunion de representantes" NOvember 17.

2) a general questionairre and "conversation" will be had with about 50% of the affected population between Tuesday and Friday of this upcoming week to see where the funds could go

3) The 5 families I talked to last week were interested more than anything in:

      a) corrugated tin roofing and land 

       b) chicken and feed for each affected family

      c) seeds to grow vegetables

      d) a co-op bakery (possibly we could use the lorena style oven for this project)


4) The Medo Hostel building will start November 16th with the arrival of a Beloit volunteer who will be in Soloy for 4 days.  The first steps will be to machete the weeds and clean out all the wood that washed up in the area durign the flood. BUilding of this hostel will continue until it is finished: hopefully in about 3 months.

5) The University of Alberta group is interested in helping with a community sewing house.  We will see what the local interest is during the questionairres this week.


November 21, 2008

Updates from meeting with Dr. Guerra:


-Minsa has okayed the land in Caricho, the land has been payed for and the first 22 families are now able to move in.  Corrugated roofing has been given to the first 22 families. 

-For the 50 families that will move into Barrero, the process is still in the works, and according to guerra, this will happen "when the rainy season completly stops." (ie when he can assure that there is water and letrines...see below)

- the acueduct systems and latriens will be funded in the new communities by MINSA, however these must be constructed in the winter because this is when the water levels are lowest, to assure that there will be water year round in the future.

 - we must talk to the governor about the Nueva Generacion reconstruction as this was not included in the list of families. 

other comments by Guerra:

1) can use the donated money to buy food boxes (staple food) for the families: maybe a good idea upon move in to give food(?)

2) Dr. Guerra left Adan and Amanda charge of the Chicken/seed project.  MIDA has agreed to donate chickens and seeds for consumption by the families, and if the harvest is good, to sell outside the Comarca to bring a profit to the Familiy.  Super 99 may be able to buy goods such as yucca and chicken.

The chicken/seed project (we will be working on this with the communties to find what they want) can be individual house by house or community garden style.

3) Electricity will arrive in the Comarca in 2009, (month is not sure) however when this happens, then a well will be built at the health center with an electric pump.

4) Dr. Guerra put Adan and Amanda in charge of the Water Fair (Rotary club) presentation in March, 2009 where we can propose small communities to have aqueduct systems (with filters if Nico okays it) up to $20,000 each aqueduct system.  We must get together all the information from the communities about the water source, distance, altitude, type of aqueduct, etc, then present it to the topographers in Proyecto Ngobe Bugle, have MINSA ok the projects and then present it at the fair. 

5) other project: for sale and consumption inside the comarca and to sell outside:  pescera (fish farm) possibly to construct an irrigation system from the river to near the high school so the fish always have water (make sure the river isn´t chemically contaminated first)




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